What We Build



Innovative Strategies

All innovative proposals or strategies will be submitted to NEPA Foundation via DAO mechanism whereas a smart voting mechanism will process all proposals till it decides the best proposal or strategy to be implemented and operated.

New Governance Model

The traditional model will power NEPA founders but ignore good initiatives from communities and hence NEPA founders commit to follow a new model operating driven by the community. All initiatives will be proposed and decided via a smart voting mechanism.

Community Driven

We build best-in-class features based on initiatives from communities and hence NEPA power is built upon the power of its community. NEPA Dao will be governed and managed by its community.



A Store of Value

NEPA is created to drive people to join a new economy where payments are easily and securely made and shared across huge communities at no middle man cost at all.

A Medium of Exchange

NEPA Coin can be P2P traded in some centralized or decentralized exchanges across sellers and buyers hence its liquidity will be better time to time.

A Long-term Crypto Asset

Since NEPA plays a key role in micro payments and remittances then it can be considered as a long-term crypto asset for everyone to hold and get passive earnings.



NEPA Blockchain

We build NEPA on top of Ethereum network but also give bridging features to be compatible with other top chains like BSC, Polygon, Tron, Solana, Algorand, Avalanche, Harmony, Zilliqa, and OneLedger. NEPA is really secure, scalable, interoperable, and decentralized.

NEPA Wallet

NEPA Wallet not just helps people to store NEPA coins but also enable people to mine NEPA Coin easily. NEPA Wallet also rewards its users when they make payments. Also, NEPA Wallet allows its users to do staking to earn passive coins. It’s really a robust wallet ever created.

NEPA Utilities

We create many utilities under NEPA ecosystem to help boost the process of payment acceptance across individuals and enterprises in the economy. Under NEPA eco, we build DeFi modules, BaaS modules, NFT marketplace, payment modules, and metaverse.